2c Measurement of apoptosis of PBLs using Annexin V FITC staining. BMI 30 kg/m2 and waist-hip ratio 1.0 in men and 0.9 in women were invited to participate in the study after obtaining their written informed consent. Acutely ill patients with severe cardiac, respiratory, hepatic and renal dysfunction and pregnant or lactating women were excluded from the study. The study was carried out during the period from August 2007 to December 2010. As this was a hypothesis generating proof of concept study where we wished to study whether any changes occurred in metabolic and immune parameters in patients who were receiving as therapy for obesity, a sample size of at least completed 30 patients was considered adequate for analysis. Following written informed consent to participate, a detailed clinical history was taken from each individual and relevant physical examination including recording of excess weight and measurement of anthropometric data like waist-hip ratio, upper arm circumference and abdominal circumference was carried out. Blood sample (45 ml) was collected aseptically from your ante-cubital vein and processed for measurement of various metabolic and immunological parameters. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of MA Podar Ayurvedic Hospital, Mumbai. Samples were coded at the clinical site and dispatched to the laboratory. After collection of blood sample at baseline (S1), the prescribed therapeutic course of 16 in a regular pattern as explained in (known as (oil enema) with sesame oil of 240 ml was administered through the anal canal with the help of syringe and a rubber catheter. The next day (enema with decoction) consisting of 120 ml, (decoction of & and was administered six times and then four occasions on consecutive days. During the course, each participant was observed for symptoms of proper, inadequate or over effects of and daily. After completion of this course of 16 days, the participants were advised a diet of food items that are easy to digest like and requested to avoid fried and carbohydrate rich foods, cold drinks, was considered total. Clinical examination and blood investigations were repeated (S2) at this point as in the baseline visit. The final blood sample (S3) was collected 90 days after S2 along with clinical examination to assess whether the effect of was managed. During this period, no dietary or way of life modifications or medications for VX-702 excess weight control were VX-702 recommended. Thus, the participant was under observation for a total of 138 days after being recruited Mouse monoclonal to WDR5 in the study. The day Sample 1 (S1) was collected was designated as day 0, S2 was collected on day 48 (16 days and 32 days of way of life and diet restrictions) and S3 on day 138. Anthropometric parameters such as excess weight, BMI, waist- hip ratio, upper arm and stomach circumference were measured at the time of S1, S2 and S3 selections. Isolation of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) was carried out from your heparinized peripheral venous blood by Ficoll-Hypaque (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) centrifugation method17. treatment during the study period, 48 were included. Of these, 15 participants did not come for S2 and S3 selections and were excluded from your analysis. One of the participants VX-702 withdrew due to adverse events. Of the 32 patients who completed the study, 25 were women. The mean age ( SD, range) of the participants was 42.5 ( 8.44, 22.00 – 58.00) yr. A significant ((at S2) and this was managed at S3. The waist hip ratio remained unaltered throughout the course (Table I). Table I Effect of a course of on anthropometric data Open in a separate window As shown in Fig. 1, a marked decrease in levels of IFN- (3.771 4.63 to 1 1.54 2.23 pg/ml; therapy (S1, S2, S3), no significant alterations were observed in the percentages of T cell subsets (CD3, CD4, CD8, -TCR and.